Friends of Lower Haw River, Inc. incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in the state of North Carolina as of March 2024. We are tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) as a public charity. Donations may be tax-deductible as allowed by law. We rely on donations to help support our stewardship, education, and advocacy activities. Please make donations directly to Friends of Lower Haw River, Inc. IRS tax-exempt #99-2996867 FRIENDS OF LOWER HAW RIVER INC
To donate to Friends of Lower Haw River, Inc. by check:
Please make checks payable to "Friends of Lower Haw River" and mail to:
Friends of Lower Haw River
PO Box 65
Bynum, NC 27228
To donate to Friends of Lower Haw River, Inc. by credit card:
To donate via PayPal, click this Donate link or click on the Donate button below.